Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 10: Organize Your Garage

Day 10 of the 30-Day Organize-athon is to express-organize your garage. Seriously, I haven't been in my garage for months! There is no way! But---I am going to take my 5 minutes and clear the landing in my garage. This will be an accomplishment. And, I will be able to get down the stairs to do another 5 minutes another day. LOL  p.s. I just went and took the above picture and had to move shoes and a case of water from the door to even open it!  LOL   I know, not really funny...will post after picture later. This will take longer than 5 minutes.
If would like to catch up on the 5 minutes of organization a day for 30 days go on over to
Get Organized Wizard
and see all her hints and the accomplishments of those participating.

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